The Future of Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Implementation of Peace Education in Higher Education: Social Integration and Conflict Resolution in Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Rini Setyowati, STKIP Singkawang (Indonesia)

Bing Hwie Sie, Asia E University (Malaysia)

Andi Mursidi, STKIP Singkawang (Indonesia)

Rustam Rustam, IKIP PGRI Pontianak (Indonesia)

Yudi Darma, IKIP PGRI Pontianak (Indonesia)

Sri Mulyani, STKIP Singkawang (Indonesia)


Indonesia is one country with a variety of diversity. This diversity can be understood as two sides, the first side is the strengthening side because with various diversity it can motivate the community to be able to synergize well with nature and the environment. The diversity of Indonesian society manifested in differences in ethnicity, culture, language, religion is one of the gifts to make Indonesia more meaningful. This reseach is considered a phenomenology with a qualitative method. The researcher took steps in accordance with the phenomenology rules: intuiting, analyzing, and describing. In this study, efforts to minimize conflict were carried out with peace education that wanted the realization of a society that was peaceful, social brotherhood, anti-conflict, and anti-discrimination. Therefore, conflict resolution is put in the frame of locality so that conflict resolution can be complete and comprehensive. Implementation peace education in Higher Education became a fortress when there were clashes between ethnic groups in the surrounding cities. Singkawang is one town in Borneo that very open with migrant ethnic groups and without suspicion of the ethnic migrants. Uniquely the city of Singkawang, each ethnic group is also capable of mastering other ethnic languages. The community understands peace is a blessing from God Almighty so that people easily run the economy. Each community element must unite in building a city so that integration is achieved. The community must provide suggestions for constructive advice for peace in the city of Singkawang. Young generation Singkawang must return to local wisdom and developing culture. Joint activities carried out between tribes will also support Singkawang as a harmonious city.

Keywords: Peace Education in Higher Education, Social Integration , Conflict Resolution;

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