A country is described as developed due to their scientific feat and manoeuvre. Science plays a pivotal role in the economic and material advancement. Scientific industries will need a work force that are well prepared using functional science curriculum .There are indications that science curriculum does not prepare students for the world of employment OKON & UDO(2012). In response to the poor state of science education, the government initiated a number of policies and programmes that are meant to alleviate the constraints in the sector. Inspite of government’s efforts, there is still an outcry of poverty, lack of job creativity in employment, indisciplinary behavior, lack of capacity to work. Effiong, Ayang & Ananagbor (2013).This undoubtedly shows that there exist a missing between link learners society and science curriculum. Learners are not prepared for their future jobs. Science education as a tool for development should be anchored on practical work which is said to be those activities which involved the learner in observing or manipulating real objects and materials. On that note, laboratory plays a distinctive role in science . This is because through laboratory products are discovered for the larger society. Some factors militating against practical session such as large classes, unavailability of practical materials , inadequate provision of practical sessions In schools time table and instructional methodology were highlighted and some recommendations were as follows the government should build the laboratories to accommodate all learners, equip the laboratory with functional equipment and provide for the required materials which is enough for all students. The teacher should modify teaching methods to reflect industrial and commercial standard. Not only the hypothetical standard that is purely academic and every student must be given attention in all practical classes, hand on and mechanical skills should be encouraged.