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Innovation in Language Learning 8th Edition 2015

Understanding Cultural Heritage

Walter Zeller; Evangelia Varella


Promoting to learn more than one language is central to the European Union language policy. Everyone within the European Union is encouraged to do so in the interests of mutual understanding and communication. 
Preparing material for courses on Languages for Specific Purposes, such as law, economics, health sciences or – as in our case – cultural heritage preservation bears an intermediary status between philology and the various specific fields of knowledge. Thus, material concentrates more on language in context than on grammar and language structures, an approach that greatly enhances the relevance of what students are learning.
Generally, the project aimed to achieve efficient communication among those active in cultural heritage preservation in the multilingual European environment by offering complete and easily accessible possibilities for learning and assessing the language skills in several European languages (French, Greek, Italian, Slovene, and Spanish). The project has reached the following targets: 
Face-to-face and online courses and examinations on the agreed level (in general, Level B2 of the Common European Framework)
Covering major and less spoken languages such as French, Greek, Italian, Slovene, and Spanish (in alphabetical order) 
Training courses and testing implements for tutors and teachers for enabling them to deal with all aspects of these focused, personalised learning activities.
Certification of every type of knowledge and skills acquired
Integration and operation of all activities within accredited LSP Language Centres
Implementation of the Language Centres Network in the Southern Mediterranean basin
The following institutions co-operate to reach the results mentioned above
Institutions teaching cultural heritage preservation and valorisation
University language teaching units
University or professional ICT experts
Professional partners dealing with cultural heritage preservation and valorisation

Publication date: 2015/11/13
ISBN: 978-88-6292-660-7
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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