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New Perspectives in Science Education 3th Edition 2014

Use of Pre-service Science Teacher Creativity in Elementary Science Classrooms

Esme Hacieminoglu


The purpose of this study to determine that how pre-service science teachers (PSTs) in constructivist based and control classrooms differs in terms of features of creativity they use in classrooms. Twenty PSTs who took two semester method course in their undergraduate education were the sample of the study. The only difference from these two groups (10 PSTs for constructivist group, 10 PSTs for non-constructivist group) is that one group has encouraged using 5E model while preparing all of the lesson plans, doing their microteaching in the class and their real teaching in elementary schools. Videotapes, notes from direct observations and lesson plans were reviewed in terms of the features of creativity. For each PSTs videotape analyses and frequency analyses were collected in an attempt to determine the features of creativity. It is apparent that the PSTs in constructivist group were able to use and develop all of the creativity features mentioned.  All of these features showed dramatic differences between PSTs experiencing constructivism and those of students in non-constructivist sections. The creativity features measured were more highly developed in PSTs who experienced method course in constructivist classrooms. These PSTs supplied and practiced creativity and constructivist environment in their elementary science class.

Publication date: 2014/03/21
ISBN: 978-88-6292-469-6
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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