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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

Promoting Teacher Students’ System Competence by the Development of Interdisciplinary Simulation Games

Nicklas Müller; Sebastian Drachenberg; Doris Elster


To understand the complex relationships in a globalised world, ongoing biology teachers need more than expert knowledge. In order to take part in the processes of sustainable development, they have to recognize those relations as a cross-linked system (Rempfler 2009; Rieß 2013). Therefore an interdisciplinary promotion of the system competence gets more and more importance. This competence is defined as the ability to understand, to describe and to model the organisation and the functions of a complex area of reality and to make predictions and regulatory measures for the exploitation and regulation of systems (Rempfler & Uphues 2013).

The practical course “INQUIRE for Students” is a teacher training program for biology teacher students of the secondary level. The aims of the course are the development of subject knowledge and methodological knowledge in respect to an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) (Elster et al. 2015).

During the course the teacher students enlarge their system competence by investigating complex syndromes in the context of biodiversity loss and climate change e.g. the dramatically loss if the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) around the North Sea island Helgoland. They develop in teams complex simulation games for pupils of the secondary level and measure the impact of these games on the pupils´ system competence.

This qualitative study evaluates the impact of the practical course on the teacher students´ professional development, their system competence and their Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Therefore, an interview study (pre-post-design) with 15 participants was conducted. The analysis followed the paradigm of the qualitative content analyses. The system competence was measured qualitatively and quantitatively.

The results demonstrate an increase of the students’ subject knowledge and their PCK, especially the knowledge of instructional strategies for teaching science. Furthermore, it is determined that the students improved their ability to organize a system. 


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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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