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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

Analysis of the Emotions in the Teaching and Learning of Technology of High School Pre-Service Teachers

Guadalupe Martínez Borreguero; Francisco Luis Naranjo; Jesus Maestre Jiménez


The training of science teachers must be one of the fundamental pillars for the development of today's society. One of the lines of research that is taking shape in recent times relates the influence that exists between the affective and cognitive domain in the process of learning to teach scientific contents. Specifically, a growing number of researchers highlight the importance of emotions, and their influence on the beliefs of self-efficacy of different scientific subjects. In this line of research, the aim of this work is to analyse the emotions experienced by the future high school teacher of technology. The sample was formed by 46 students of the Master of Teacher Training in Secondary Education. The methodology used for data collection was descriptive by survey. As an instrument of measurement, a questionnaire of our own elaboration, based on previous studies of our research group, has been used. The questionnaire was designed to extract information on different variables with the aim of establishing relationships and correlations between them. Thus, we have analysed the emotions experienced by future teachers in scientific subjects back in their school days. On the other hand, we have inquired about the emotions they experience as teachers depending on the course of technology and the content block to be taught. In addition, a study of the capability and beliefs of self-efficacy has been carried out, both in the role of present day student and future teacher. The analysis of the data obtained reveals the existence of a relation between the memory of the emotions experienced in the school stage with the emotions experienced as teachers. The statistical study showed that there are statistically significant differences (sig < 0.05) between the different emotions, both positive and negative. Likewise, we have detected statistically significant differences in the variables related to emotions, capability and beliefs of self-efficacy depending on the course and the content of technology to be taught.



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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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