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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

Practices for Geometry Teaching with GeoGebra

Lucas Pereira; Jaqueline Maria da Silva; Deborah Faragó Jardim


In Brazil, Geometry does not receive a due value in the basic students training and the depreciation about teaching Geometry in basic education reflect on the undergraduation courses of Sciences, in particular, in the Mathematic course at the Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys. We are living a new age of virtualization of the spaces with social coexistence, and so, the mathematics teaching is no longer an essentially cognitive activity as before. The use of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) gives support to the expansion of human cognitive functions such as memory and reasoning of artificial intelligence. Thus, the social role of the university is not only to provide scientific knowledge, but also to further the establishment of the bond between the teacher, the student and the ICTs.The use of technological resources to teach Geometry is important because it allows students to investigate geometric problems. In this context, based on the Didactic Engineering fundamentals, this work presents a new teaching methodology for the discipline of Euclidean Geometry with the support of Geogebra software trying to detect the main difficulties in teaching and learning. The activities were divided in three stages, where a diagnostic questionnaire was initially applied, after which the intervention was performed where the students were submitted to dynamic activities with the software, and finally a diagnostic questionnaire was applied for a better analysis of the data.



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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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