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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

Flipped Inclusion: Theoretical And Experimental Framework for an Augmented Classroom

Tonia De Giuseppe; Pio Alfredo Di Tore; Felice Corona


At the University of Salerno it is in its third year of experimentation an interdepartmental research project entitled "Flipped Inclusion: theoretical and experimental framework for an augmented classroom". The concept of Flipped Inclusion serves to decline one of the possible uses of Blended Instruction, that is, the use of technology to make available to students the materials on which to carry out learning activities before of confronting with the teacher. Lesson is Flipped because it just reverses the usual order of teaching actions: traditionally students get the information with a lecture and they study at home, in the Flipped Lesson students will get information by freely exploring the selected materials, and thenthey will interface with the teacher.

Educational strategies of problem solving, learning-by-doing and reflective learning complement and support the flipped approach: at the center of educational process there is an activity, learning is first hand experienced, is directly collected by the student, matures through the execution of a task and is, finally, reshaped through a process of discussion and correction guided by the teacher.

In this conceptual framework, the research develops addressing the instructional design concept, deepening the idea of inclusion as valuing differences, describing the potential of inclusive flipped methodology and presenting a concrete case of design and development of educational activity.


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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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