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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

A Teacher Education Approach for Integrated Science Instruction

Jasper Cirkel; Sabina Eggert; Susanne Bögeholz; Susanne Schneider; Thomas Waitz; Stefan Halverscheid


Integrated science education – the combination of the subjects Biology, Chemistry and Physics – is currently considered in discussions on the German school system. Various implementations exist in different federal states for students of grades 5-10. The teaching personnel are confronted with additional demands with regard to subject manner, organization and didactics. As of now, teacher education in Germany focuses on the individual subjects and does not properly prepare for the demands of integrated science education.

This talk presents an additional qualification certificate of 16 ECTS for university students in a Bachelor and Master of Education programme. To be eligible, participants must study at least one natural science as their future subject at school. Within the programme students first take introductory classes designed to make them familiar with school-relevant content knowledge of the remaining disciplines. This focus is needed because the depth and rigor of an entire discipline cannot be implemented within the scope of the qualification programme. Students are also introduced to foundational didactic concepts of all sciences. After completing the taught courses on integrated science teaching, participants then design a teaching-unit in interdisciplinary groups and put the unit (and themselves) to test in a school environment.

The certificate thus aims at developing a perspective for pre-service science teacher of integrated science education. For this objective best practice teaching-units improve content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge on integrated science.


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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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