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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

Curricular Continuity in Communication Skills Formation with Professional Guidance of the Allophone Student

Lidia Strah; Maria Pruteanu


First, we have to mention that studying a language is no longer an aim by itself, but a way of communication, and the notion "communication" is strongly linked to the pedagogy of cooperation, which can be developed only at a high level of communication oriented on  professional guidance. The training of future allophone professional depends on the teacher personality, on  personal attitude of the allophone student  towards linguistic education proposed by the environment and society where he lives.

We plead for a stable quality and productivity, which means an "correct and intelligent" awareness in relation communication - creativity - professional training.

We propose a methodological route and we put the allophone student in a problematic framework and we help him accept the romanian language assimilation way oriented on professional guidance.

We claim that the stimulation techniques of productive evaluation of communication skills oriented on professional guidance must correspond to motivational interests of allophone student. Thus, he can realize the ability to know the professional sphere and, the same way, student integration into university stream.

Awareness of curricular continuity in communication skills formation oriented on professional guidance would be efficient if:

·         the society would prove interest on professional knowledge of Romanian language;

·         the school wouldn't support the quantitative success of Romanian language;

·         "contextual blocks"  of active communication in Romanian language would be suggested;

There are three main actors that participate in the act of leading communication: the society, the school and the interested person, and these actors may form "the moral triangle" of the responsibility of forming the communication abilities oriented on professional guidance of allophone student. 


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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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