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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

Development of Visual Representation Competence Taxonomy (Vrc-T) for Science Teaching and Learning

Hye-Gyoung Yoon


Scientific reading and writing typically includes various forms of visual representations. The use of visual representations makes it possible for scientists to develop models and ideas to explain complex phenomena. Visual representation also plays an important role in communicating, learning, and teaching science concept. So visual representation competence need to be fostered in science education. It is the set of skills and practices associated with the use of a variety of visual representations that includes making decisions about appropriate types and uses of representations as well as the ability to interpret, transform, and produce visual representations to conceptualize scientific ideas. To provide framework conducive to assess visual representation competence and to devise appropriate educational activities for it, a visual representation competence taxonomy (VRC-T) was developed in this study. VRC-T includes two dimensions: the type of visual representation, and the cognitive process of visual representation. The initial categories for each dimension were developed based on literature review. Then validation and revision was made by conducting teachers’ workshop and survey to experts. The types of visual representations were grouped into 3 categories (descriptive, procedural, and explanative representations) and the cognitive processes were grouped into 3 categories (interpretation, integration/organization, and construction). The whole picture of the VRC-T and the sub categories of each dimension would be explained with examples.

Keywords: Visual representation, Taxonomy, Type of visual representation, Cognitive process of visual representation;


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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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