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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

Geo-theatre as a Way to Improve the Motivation in Science Education

Marina Porta; Manuela Pelfini; Eleonora Paris


This work about a pilot project. It's named “Geo-theatre” and it's addressed to achieve two objectives: The first objective is using these strategies to improve the scientific debate in high school students; the second objective: understanding whether geological theatre can be used to obtain specific knowledge or not. According to Italian recent legislative and ministerial standards, teachers are required to change the way of doing school and to put emphasis on the needs in order to build a coherent and unified profile of cultural meanings through dialogue between the different disciplines. The recent Gelmini’s Reform of the Secondary School has found its theoretical basis in the multiple intelligence criterion that has been demonstrated by the scholar Howard Gardner. According to this author there is "a multiplicity of intelligences with precise inclinations" that are: linguistic, spatial, musical, body-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal and intra-personal skills.The frontal lessons with related laboratory experiences are preferred by most teachers with a percentage of nearly 70%. but these methodologies don’t improve critical thinking required to read the new text available today in every context of work. The predominant linear path of disciplinary knowledge found in text books, enables an outline the development of complex thinking skills. In high school The geotheatro is a method based on argumentation, on the discussion, in which the teacher-learner relationship but also between learner-learner becomes a complex type of exchange, a relationship between subjects that interact on cultural themes. The most positive results achieved in the class in which the experiment has been implemented convinced of the effectiveness of the didactic proposal here formulated. Audience data demonstrates that as far as assimilation of specific knowledge is concerned while the case-by-case comparison for each student on the measurement of the assessment purchases compared to an individual starting level (estimates of the period prior to treatment) indicate a significant increase in the specific performance s explained by the increased interest in the discipline itself declared by public students at the end of representations, in particular for  two  predictors ("Orogenesis" and "Geosites").

Keywords: emotion, amigdala, argumentation, geotheatre, orogenesis, geotourisme;


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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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