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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

Methodology for the Integration of New Technologies into Education through Learning Based on Design Projects. Case Study.

Joseba Koldobika Azcaray Fernández; Manuel Martínez Torán; Marcelo Leslabay Martínez; Chele Esteve Sendra


The beginning of the 21st century has brought about the development and evolution of Information and Communication Technologies, opening up a new paradigm in the field of knowledge. The growth of The Fourth Industrial Revolution depends upon an education revolution. Technology introduces new possibilities for skills and abilities development in order to involve people in the future society; these consider the rise of digital fabrication as an educational tool for the integration of the creative concept within science and technology competencies, leading to debate about new and updated learning methodologies. A design for a STEAM educational tendency-based methodology is posed in conjunction with a Project Based Learning as a bond between technological education and the new tools, for classroom implementation. The above mentioned methodology is put into practice by carrying out an experiment through product design. Qualitative assessment is used in order to serve as a guide for the teacher while improving the implementation of new technologies in education curriculum as well as for future directions for research.

KeywordsNew Technologies, PBL, STEAM, Education, Science, Digital Fabrication;


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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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