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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

The Systematic and Procedural Learning Approach Through Curricular Design

Marcel Balici; Nadejda Bâlici


Content items conform to the specific scientific requirements of the compartment ,,Phonetics” and the way of implementation according to the curriculum will be done in two praxiological directions: a) from the perspective of phonetics as a system; b) from the perspective of the didactic process which would ensure the acquisition of phonetic skills by users. From the perspective of the phonetic system, the article will present the practical way of highlighting the role of segmental phonetics. From the perspective of the didactic process will be achieved the consistency between the aspect of the phonetic system and the didactic paradigm of purchasing the competences through the didactic strategies elaborated on the basis of the analytical or synthetic principles. The description of the didactic strategies will be accompanied by the explanation of the methods, techniques and methods that would contribute to the coagulation of the conceptual structure of a didactic strategy aiming at the formation of telephone skills and, by applying a system of physical competences, phonological consciousness formation. So, in the curriculum will be reflected elements of articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, perceptive phonetics, but also fonodidactic or phonetic didactics. The basic principle of the lafonodidactic curriculum is the combination of progressive phonetic or phonetic modeling with the advantages of phonological intercomprehension manifested by the presence of facilitating factors. The conceptual structure of the phonetic files based on the facilitating factors will be performed in accordance with the two approaches from the perspective of the phonetic system and the didactic process.

Keywords: phonetic guidance, favored phonetic factors, non-favored phonetic factors;


[1] Martyniuk W. ` European Frameworks of Reference for Language Competences~, European Frameworks of eference for Language Competences, Strasbourg,P.10 
[2] Joița, E.(coord) „Teacher and the constructivist alternative of teaching”, Material – pedagogical support for students-future professors (II), Craiova,  2007, p.7.

Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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