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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

Appraisement of the Language in Spoken and Written Communication

Maria Pruteanu


The possibility of communication is linked indispensably to the understanding of oral and written communication. In order to extend this understanding it is pregnant that the language is improved, the "meaning" of this language is applied in a concrete situation on the basis of which "the search" is performed and the communication "keywords" are selected and active. The importance of the language has been pointed out during ages. Starting from the idea that the development of the language is social-economic conditioned, and can provoke "numerous" causes and can get "a range" of effects, named finality, and is a foundation stone in "the influence force" of language and proves that only in practical activity, the language can have an "independent" place, and after being included in diverse systems and reports, assuming a specified content reporting to professional activity.
The improvement of the language in educational aspect can become relational, which asks to be placed in some phenomenon reports, sensations, and presentations with the "moral" requirements of linguistic environment. Many times, these manifestations of the alogen student stay at an "inconceivable" level of knowledge. The awareness of teachers, students, family, and society of the needs and opportunities of efficient communication could improve the thinking, the challenge and the living of situations of the social communication.
It is considered that the education for an efficient communication has the main aim to "prepare the young people for the social life, for the surprises of the modern world" - the informational explosion, artificial, artistic and philosophic languages, the pass from the notion to be to the notion to have and to become, building the way from education to self-education. The fundamental method to realize the educative process - the language - doesn’t give a perfect tool, because then the problem of the development of the language stops to be asked.

Keywordscommunication, oral and written communication, meaning, keywords, organic combination;


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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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