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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

The Educational and Didactic Enhancement of the Technological Learning Environment

Giusi Antonia Toto


The concept of a learning environment emerges within the constructivist paradigm as an evolution of the notion of context; the systemic theories and those on group dynamics have provided the theoretical starting point for the construction of reflections on the new learning contexts changed in the age of technology. According to the studies analyzed, the learning environments are described by three fundamental characteristics: the setting, the teaching methodology used and the reference theory that legitimizes and makes the educational process effective. The purpose of this article is to examine some positive and negative effects of technology on teenagers’ learning styles and group dynamics. From a methodological perspective, it will be provided a systematic review of the existing literature on both contemporary teaching experiences, by examining the types of learning contexts experimented, and on educational strategies aimed at promoting positive effects through the analysis of the relationships between technology and learning processes. By comparing empirical studies and international experiences, it can be suggested that technological learning environments play a key role in the revival of the educational function and in the promotion of scholastic success, as the effective use of technology could facilitate and decree the educational success of the students.

KeywordsDidactic methodologies; Media education; Technology; Learning objects;


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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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