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The Future of Education 8th Edition 2018

Civic Education in the Republic of Croatia – Familiarity with the Institutions of the European Union among Students of the Faculty of Teacher Education

Damir Velicki


Acquiring civic competences is one of the crucial goals of education systems in democratic societies. Encouraging young people to take an active role in society and politics should be a priority in every society. In most European countries, Civic Education is present in school systems, although under different names and varying in scope. In Croatia, the program of Civic Education is cross-curricular, but the results of numerous studies show the need for systematic, high-quality implementation of Civic Education as a separate mandatory school subject in higher years of compulsory education, secondary schools, as well as in institutions of higher education, particularly the ones devoted to educating future teachers. This need is also supported by the fact that reading literacy is one of the central skills needed for participation in politics and society, and according to the 2015 PISA study results, Croatia is among the countries whose scores were below average in this regard. Furthermore, factual knowledge of politics is another important dimensions of democratic culture, since it is a prerequisite to understanding political problems. Teacher proficiencies are also a key part in the development of civic competences, so the paper further presents a part of the results of a study conducted in 2017/18 at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, which examined familiarity with EU institutions among the students of the Faculty of Teacher Education. The obtained results show that even future teachers themselves also possess certain inadequacies in political literacy.

Keywords: Civic Education, EU, democratic citizenry, political literacy, youth.


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Publication date: 2018/06/29
ISBN: 8833590208
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