The Future of Education

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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

Teaching-Learning Experiences in Interior Architecture in the Context of Creative Economy and Socially Responsible Design

Anne K. Kurjenoja


The contemporary aesthetics of globalization has broken the modern idea of Interior Design and Architecture as a peripheral area dedicated to superfluous ornamentation without social, economic or political meanings. The creative economy and new emergent demands of the social and economic context for innovation and re-conceptualization of spaces and objects have now located these among of the key icons in the material culture as providers of added value in economic, functional, social and symbolic terms [1]. Thus, the Interior Architecture team of the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), Mexico, began to seek for new areas of opportunity for Interior Architecture to give it a renewed strength to face the contemporary, globalizing world and its demands considering also the local urgent needs to be responded through sustainable design. In order to justify this new scope of expanded disciplinary possibilities, informed by authors such as Schumpeter [2], Florida [3], Flüsser [4] and Yudice [5], projects carried out in design workshops exposed in this paper, propose to break barriers that previously had maintained Interior Architecture and Design in the architectural periphery. Citing Flüsser, the word design means to give meaning to something [4] [6] and thus, it is through design processes of re-signifying objects and spaces that these acquire renewed possibilities to respond to emerging economic, social and political demands for improved habitability and usability. The global creative economy and local spatial problematics are challenges that design education has to face successfully through renovated curricula, course and exercise contents but also through innovative teaching-learning methods to trigger a development of an innovative, locally sensible and socially responsible material culture promoting creative strategies and methods of production.

Keywords: Design education, Interior Architecture, re-signification, creative economy, globalization;


[1] Pericot, J. (2002). Diseño y sus futuras responsabilidades. ELISAVA TdD|19| Reptes actuals del disseny, disseny i llenguatge visual, 19. Pgs. 85, 87. Available at Accessed 09/08/2017.
[2] Schumpeter, J.A. (1934). The Theory of Economic Development. An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycle. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
[3] Florida, R. (2012). The Rise of the Creative Class Revised. Nueva York: Basic Books.
[4] Flüsser, V. (1999). About the World Design. The Shape of Things: A Philosophy of Design, pgs. 17-21. London and New Yor: Reaktion Books.§
[5] Yúdice, G. (2002). El recurso de la cultura: usos de la cultura en la era global. Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial.
[6] Coles, A. (2005). On Art´s Romance with Design. Design Issues, 21(3), pgs. 17-24. Available at Accessed 09/08/2017.

Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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