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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

The Interrelation between Leaders and Followers Based on the Orientation towards Intrinsic Goals

Nira Shalev


Orientation toward intrinsic goals is a concept that based on the Self- determination Theory, (SDT) a theory that is receiving increasing cross-cultural support in various life domains    (Deci & Ryan, 1985).
SDT enables the assessment of the level and the quality of motivation, thus offering a multidimensional conceptualization of motivation. Three major categories of motivation are distinguished, and the self-determination theory specifies how the various types of motivation can be promoted or discouraged.
The absence of motivation towards an activity: Intrinsic motivation is defined as doing an activity for its own sake; Extrinsic motivation refers to engaging in the activity for instrumental reasons, such as receiving rewards and approval, avoiding punishments or criticism, boosting one’s self-esteem, or reaching a personally valued goal. Intrinsic goals are likely to satisfy psychological needs for autonomy relatedness, competence and growth and are thus innately satisfying to pursue (Deci and Ryan, 1985; Maslow, 1954; Rogers, 1959).  Most popular intrinsic popular goals are self-acceptance, affiliation, community feeling, and physical fitness. When fulfilled; the individual experiences a sense of satisfaction of needs, which increases the level of happiness and well-being (Ryan et al., 1996).
The purpose of this paper is to review the developments in the field of leadership and the concept of orientation toward intrinsic goals, and to examine possible interrelation between orientation toward intrinsic goals and leadership. This work based on research and three topics. The chosen topics are business education, studies on education and teachers' professional development.
This abstract based on research in the Israeli education system that examined the question how leaders’ orientation toward intrinsic goals predict the followers’ perceptions of leadership style?  The author further predicted that leaders with more developed qualities of orientation toward intrinsic goals will be perceived by their followers as more transformational leaders.

Keywords: Orientation toward intrinsic goals; values; self-determination theory; leadership; business education; teachers' professional;


[1] Deci, E. & Ryan, R., (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behaviour. New York: Plenum.
[2] Maslow, A., 1954. The instinctual nature of basic needs. Personality, Vol. 22(3), pp. 326-347.
[3] Rogers, C.R. (1959). A Therapy, Personality and Interpersonal Relationships, As Developed in Client – Cantered. Psychology: A Study of Science, 3, 184-256.
[4] Ryan, R.M. Kasser, T.,(1996)

Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
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