The Future of Education

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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptive Technology in Education

Vatroslav Zovko; Monika Gudlin


21st century is a synonym for change in all aspects of life and economic activities. Accelerating change is caused by development of new technologies that radically change how humans communicate and cooperate. On average, formal education in comparison with other economic sectors is lagging behind in adoption of contemporary technologies in educational processes.
One of the biggest potential impact that will radically change the landscape of education is implementation of artificial intelligence. That radical change makes artificial intelligence disruptive technology with unforeseen consequences for students, faculty and society in general. The bottom line is that educational system will be forced to adopt to new technologies, abandoning traditional teaching and pedagogical practices that were in the center of education for centuries.
This paper gives a short overview of disruptive innovations and technologies with the focus on artificial intelligence as a disruptive technology. It presents trends in research and development of artificial intelligence and its future, long term prospects in education. Special focus is given to the limits and obstacles of introduction of artificial intelligence in educational processes and educational system in general.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, disruptive technology, education;


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Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
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