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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

Biocentric Education: From Rolando Toro Model to the Paradigm 4.0

Ana Maria Silva; Catarina Nadais


The education system faces challenges that require reflection and action, particularly with regard to its structure, objectives, methods and models. The transformations that have been mirrored in society since the twentieth century and the speed that technology imposes on it today, stirs the domain of knowledge as well as personal relations. The biocentric model is a system of human development, of organic renewal, of affective reeducation and of relearning of the functions of life, proposed by Rolando Toro (2000). It is based on the assumption and affirmation of the genetic potentials of the individuals and the notion that the way the person integrates and expresses his identity depends on these same potentials as well as on the environment and context, which he calls ecofactors, whether positive and / or negatives. The methodology proposes experiential learning, integrating the totality of the being in its development process, promoting the integration between thinking, feeling and acting. Thus, this is an integrative and preventive theoretical-experiential model that encourages the affective core of learning, from the stimulation of the potentials and the multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983) by the creation of a context with favorable conditions for the expression of the person and their identity. The biocentric model proposed by Rolando Toro has been validated and reinforced in transversal domains such as emotional intelligence of Humberto Maturana and Francisco J. Varela (1984) and the complex thinking of Edgar Morin (2000), in neuroscience by António Damásio (2017) and studies on the application of the model of biocentric education by Marcus Stuek and Alejandra Villegas (2017). This study will include the presentation of this model of education and theories previously addressed, until the presentation of the paradigm 4.0 for education projected for the future of educators, teachers and students.

Keywords: Biocentric model, education, education 4.0, emotional intelligence;


[1] Toro, R. (2000). Biodanza. Itália: Editorial Rede.
[2] Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
[3] Maturana, H. and Varela, F. (1984). A árvore do conhecimento - As bases biológicas do conhecimento humano. Campinas: Ed. Psy, 1995. São Paulo: Ed. Palas Athena, 2004. Original in spanish and translated by Humberto Mariotti e Lia Diskin.
[4] Morin, E. (1999). L'Intelligence de la complexité, com Jean-Louis Le Moigne, Éd. l’Harmattan.
[5] Damásio. A. (2017). A estranha ordem das coisas. Temas e Debates.
[6] Stueck,M., Villegas,A. (2017) Evidence-Based BIODANZA Programmes for Children (TANZPRO-Biodanza) in Schools and Kindergardens: Some effects on Psychology, Physiology, Hormones, and the Immune System. in: The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing, Vicky Karkou, Sue Oliver, Sophia Lycouris, New York: Oxford University Press, S. 77-98

Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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