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New Perspectives in Science Education 9th Edition 2020

Environmental Education for Climate Change: From Historical and Experimental Natural Science to Modern Interdisciplinary Didactics

Marina Minoli


Integrated didactic elements of natural science history were useful to construct didactic interconnections with modern scientific researches about effects of climate change in biological equilibrium and plants homeostasis condition. Principal goal of this didactic itinerary for High school was to realize historical and interdisciplinary activities presenting also some effects of different environmental factors in model organisms. Actually young students are often informed in fragmented way about environmental problems, without impact with historical and experimental studies.  In this project were planned and realized critical thinking analysis about Natural equilibrium concept: from James Hutton' studies to Gaia hypotesis of James Lovelock, precursor of modern biogeoscience with ideas of systems studies of Earth. In "historical researches students working group" were realized presentations about biography and about Von Humboldt exploration' trips.  High school students have read different historical original scientists' documents working in collaborative way, analysing interdisciplinary aspects of climate changes, comparing old and new idea, modern discoveries. All rielaborated activities were presented in Learning Digital platform about different topics of bioscience elements for environment. The collaboration with plants' physiologist has permetted to amplify didactic itinerary and to understand some effects of different environmental stress conditions (variations of temperature and high salt concentration) in metabolism of plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana (levels and activities of vegetable hormons and second messanger calcium concentration). Molecular and interactive bioimaging of experimental effects have showed in High school classes, dynamics fluorescent microscopy images to observe and to educate interpretation how different stimuli modificate calcium concentrations in some structures of  Arabidopsis thaliana. Interdisciplinary approaches associated also with elements of modern Environmental Humanities were useful to create a dialogue about different research methods, contamination between human and social disciplines, helping students to work with motivation, analyzing results of experiments, sharing in creative working different results of activities. Others didactic IBSE actions were realized also with elements about results of European project EPITREE (epigenetics researches in vegetal plasticity relationship water disponibility for plants). Innovative teaching and integrated learning approaches about topics of climate evolution were created in High school scientific-didactics community for conscious students of some modern aspects of environmental science.

Keywords: Environmental science; learning innovative strategies, interdisciplinary learning, History of Natural science, Molecular imaging, Arabidopsis thaliana, Natural equilibrium concept.

Publication date: 2020/03/20
ISBN: 978-88-85813-90-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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