The Future of Education

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The Future of Education 4th Edition 2014

The World University Consortium: a New Kind of Consortium, Including all the Stakeholders and Promoting trough Empowerment aSystemic, Interdisciplinary, Intersectorial, Intercultural Education

Alberto Zucconi; Garry Jacobs; Heitor Gurgulino de Souza; Winston Nagan; Ivo Slaus


The World University Consortium (WUC) is a non profit university consortium very different from the traditional university consortium since is including all the stakeholders willing to create a working alliance to develop an integrated paradigm of scientic knoledge and best practices to develop effective solutions to the verious complex global challenges that local communities and various nations have to face. The mission of WUC is to involve all the stakeholders in a process aimed to create  and promote accessible, affordable, quality education worldwide, based on a human-centered approach that shifts the emphasisto active learning that enhanche the capacity of learners to think and discover knoledge for themselves, contextualized knoledge within transdiciplinary and intersectorial conceptual framework reflecting the complexity and integration of the real world, acquisition of knowledge, skills and values relevant to each individual personal development and career, an educational system better suited to develop the full potetials of social personality and individuality for productive engagement, social welfare and psychological well being. The bjectives of WUC: 1)To create a worldwide global forum where all the stakeholders can meet,interact and in collaboration with the universities create new networks, partnershipsand projects. 2) Person Centered: promote person-centered and student centered approaches that emphatize self guided learning by teaching and sharing with oters, edutainment and experiental learning. 3) Value based: Develop transcultural and culture specific methods and content reflecting universal human values. 4) Open learningsystems: develop innovative and more effective models that extend the reach of quality education to people of all age groups, globally with hybrid delivery systemsdesignated to facilitate learning. 6) Best practices: identify global best practices and develop effective models and strategies to improve accessibility, affordability, quality innovation and relevance in education in the 21st century. 7) Ne w metrics. Enchance the learning process through research, development and application of advanced instuments for quality assesment in educational processes.

Publication date: 2014/06/13
ISBN: 978-88-6292-499-3
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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