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Innovation in Language Learning 13th Edition 2020

The Motivation as a Way of Students' Involvement in the Distance Learning of Foreign Languages

Olga Khaleeva; Alena Kuvaeva; Irina Leshutina; Yulia Naumenko; Liliia Vokhmina


The main purpose of the study is to analyze the positive, negative features of the distance learning of foreign languages, to determine its significant focus on the development of innovative technologies, to identify, classify the difficulties, reasons for possible risks associated with the reduced motivation. The consideration of the peculiarities of students’ motivation is to help the teacher to develop effective ways to maintain, improve it and it keeps the high number of students engaged in the distance learning of foreign languages. At the beginning of training the motivation is high. Then the level of the motivation is decreasing. Therefore, the main component of the motivation is its orientation. The next way of the motivation increasing is students’ attention to distance learning, online-classes. It can be done through infographics, hyperlinked presentations, audio, video, flash animations, interactive games. The component “attention” can be kept through the changing of kinds of activities in the virtual learning environment, the variability of tasks within each module, the personal experience of students, the use of problem-solved pedagogical technologies which stimulates the participation in online dialogues, discussions. The practical significance of the training material for each student personally and its assessment contribute to the motivation and the engagement of students. The confidence of students in their abilities and the support of this confidence contribute to the increased motivation. During the distance learning the component “confidence” can be influenced by the definition of the deadlines for completing tasks, the organized structure of the training course, the provided information about the quality of completed homework. The satisfaction with the results of learning needs to be “fueled” by the teacher. It is important to pay special attention to the results of work, which generates the satisfaction. This can be done by various means: marks, points, oral comments. The success is guaranteed by students’ emotional involvement in the learning process. During the distance learning students can hardly establish themselves emotional and psychological contacts with each other and the teacher. The set of creative online and offline tasks aimed at the team building in order to unite the distance learning group should be the important part of the distance learning of foreign languages. The authors of the article identified a special system of measures to influence the motivation in the virtual educational environment that meets the challenges of today.

Keywords: motivation, distance learning, foreign languages, engaged students.

Publication date: 2020/11/13
ISBN: 979-12-80225-01-6
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