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New Perspectives in Science Education 10th Edition 2021

RAWsiko – Materials around us: A Digital Serious Game to Teach about Raw Materials’ Importance for the Transition towards a Low-Carbon Economy

Armida Torreggiani; Alberto Zanelli; Mariaconcetta Canino; Alessandra Degli Esposti; Emilia Benvenuti; Renata Lapinska-Viola; Lorenzo Forini; Maurizio Turinetto


Today some raw materials (RMs) have become essential for the production of a broad range of goods and applications used in everyday life (i.e. mobile phones, automobiles). In particular, the accelerating technological innovation and the rapid growth of emerging economies have led to a steadily increasing demand for a great numbers of metals and minerals. They are crucial also for fostering the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Unfortunately, in a near future the supply of several metals or minerals, belong to the non-renewable resources of our planet, will be at risk [1], so increasing awareness among youngsters about the importance of raw materials for society and economy as well as the necessity of their sustainable use becomes a priority.
In the course of the corona crisis, normal school teaching is no longer possible in many European countries. Thus, one of the biggest challenges to offer efficient online learning paths is the effective integration of lab activities. Here we present an educational game, RAWsiko – Materials around us, that aims to increase the awareness among teenagers about the importance of raw materials in technologies and about their geopolitical distribution in the world in a digital and fun way.
The digital educational game for distance learning is a variation on the classic tabletop game “Risiko!”, structured around taking control of critical RMs in different areas of the world with the goal of having the required materials to fulfil a list of applications. It is set in a future where China, which is the largest exporter of critical RMs, decided to close its borders preventing contact with the rest of the planet. In the face of this decision, a “raw materials rush” begins.
The game was developed in the framework of Raw Matters Ambassadors@Schools (RM@Schools) [2], funded by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). It can be played by using PC or mobile phones and, together with a synchronous or asynchronous on-line lesson on RM materials challenges, it can constitute a general introduction to circular economy and a very attractive tool in on-line dissemination events. It offers the possibility to engage pupils in an interactive activity also during on-line paths and to offer a “first glance” on many RM-related topics and chances to open class discussions on them.

Keywords: Raw Materials, Gamification, Sustainability, Secondary School, cross-curricular learning.


  1. O. Vidal, B. Goffé, N. Arndt, Nature Geoscience, 6, 2013

Publication date: 2021/03/19
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