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New Perspectives in Science Education 11th Edition 2022

Cultural Institutions and Education in Bulgaria – Popularization of Programs with a Scientific and Research Project

Svetoslava Dimitrova; Sonya Spasova; Simona Dusheva; Panayot Gindev


Introduction: The fundamental and leading role of science and education for the formation of values and behaviour, as well as for the acquisition of individual competences, is indisputable. Science education is referred to as the teaching of science to non-scientists, such as children, students, or adults within the general public There are different definitions of the term “education”, which unanimously unite its main mission for the preservation and development of culture. Therefore, cultural institutions in the sense of the current legal framework in the country, along with the implementation of activities for the creation, dissemination, and preservation of cultural and historical values, should develop active educational initiatives through which to act as a mediator between preserved tradition and modernity. The aim of the research project „Research of contemporary educational programs of cultural institutions in Bulgaria“ (contract: № КP-06-М35/3 from 18.12.2019), developed by a team from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Sofia, Bulgaria), led by Chief Assist. Sonya Spasova, PhD, is to study the various educational activities that are implemented in two of the organizations within the institutional system of cultural heritage – regional history museums and libraries in the country. So far, they have not been the subject of a comprehensive study to systematize and categorize the sustainable, long-term, and thematic educational programs they have implemented in recent years. Results: The study of good practices applied by the Bulgarian cultural institutions and their presentation to national and international scientific audience would help to enhance the prestige of Bulgaria as a country with rich cultural heritage, preserved traditions and active cultural and educational activities. This paper examines the project website, which serves as an information portal, as it provides links to educational programs and initiatives of all regional history museums and regional libraries in Bulgaria by territorial and thematic scope, as one of the main activities of the project is to promote the activities of these cultural institutions in order to reach the general public and show the other side of these institutions - as a place for entertainment in an educational environment.

Keywords: educational initiatives, cultural institutions, regional library, regional history museum, Bulgaria, research project



Publication date: 2022/03/18
ISBN: 979-12-80225-41-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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