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Innovation in Language Learning 15th Edition 2022

Implementation of the Hybrid Modality as a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ana Guadalupe Torres Hernández


Due to the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), educational institutions in Mexico and the world began to close their schools to avoid risks of contagion. With the implementation of this measure, all students and teachers changed their face-to-face sessions and activities to the virtual modality in an emergent way, which caused various problems for both teachers and students who were not prepared for this sudden change but which were gradually resolved. At the beginning of the decline of the pandemic, the University of Veracruz selected the hybrid learning modality as an alternative to start a safe and orderly return to the classrooms. This article describes the implementation of hybrid learning at the Poza Rica Language Center and the advantages and disadvantages appreciated by the pioneer teachers in this modality. For this research, we implemented a qualitative methodology whose paradigm focuses on getting a deep knowledge about people, communities, contexts, variables or situations from the participants’ very own words. The data collection was carried out from a semi-structured interview. Findings suggest that although hybrid learning is here to stay, continuous training of technicians and educators is necessary to achieve a better academic experience for both teachers and students.


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Publication date: 2022/11/11
ISBN: 979-12-80225-42-9
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