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The Future of Education 13th Edition 2023

Planning and Implementing Collaborative and Differentiated Instruction in Middle School

France Dubé; Maryse Gareau; Sophie Lanoix


The goal of this action-research-training project was to promote the success of secondary school students. Supported by a collaborative reflective process [1], middle school teachers developed their classroom portrait in order to plan and implement differentiated instruction which would respect learning paces while promoting interactions among students through collaborative pedagogical approaches [2]. Our objectives were to contribute to the professional development of teachers by fostering collaboration and the planning of teaching/learning situations middle school, and to foster the engagement and success of students with learning difficulties [3]. An action research-training project was carried out [4]: 15 consultation and co-planning meetings were held over two school years. Twelve teachers, an academic advisor, a special education teacher, two researchers and a research assistant participated in these meetings. At the beginning and end of the school year, a semi-directed group interview was used to collect the participants’ experience with differentiated instruction as well as the enablers and obstacles encountered in implementing it. Video clips of theoretical elements, supported by research knowledge and collective reflective exchanges, helped to support the implementation of teaching/learning situations. The verbatim of the interviews were analyzed thematically and revealed positive impacts on the professional development of the participants. Middle school teachers learned new teaching devices, implemented differentiated instruction, and enhanced collaboration among their students in the classroom. Our analyses also show that these differentiated and collaborative approaches contribute to the success of students with learning difficulties in middle school while promoting their academic engagement and motivation [5].


Poster Presentation



Differentiated instruction, collaboration, middle school, special education



[1] Gareau, M. (2018). Pratique réflexive et autorégulation : favoriser le développement professionnel des étudiants à la fin de la formation en enseignement en adaptation scolaire et sociale de la formation initiale vers l’insertion professionnelle, unublished thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal.

[2] Dubé, F., Ouellet, C., & Dufour, F. (2019). Pratiques d’enseignement favorisant le développement de la compétence à lire et à écrire au secondaire en contexte d’inclusion scolaire..">

[3] Gareau, M., & Dubois, M. (2022). Proposition d’une démarche réflexive collaborative favorisant le développement professionnel. In I. Vachon, S. Guillemette, & G. Vincent (Eds.), La conseillance pédagogique, une profession au service des écoles québécoises, (107-120). Les éditions JFD.

[4] Guay, M.-H., & Prud’homme, L. (2018). La recherche-action. In T. Karsenti & L. Savoie-Zajc (Eds.), La recherche en éducation : Étapes et approches. 4e édition (235–268). Presses de l’Université de Montréal.">

[5] Gareau, M., & Dubé, F. (2021). Et si des situations d’enseignement-apprentissage différenciées et collaboratives pouvaient faire la différence? Formation et profession, 29 (2), 1.">



Publication date: 2023/06/30
ISBN: 979-12-80225-59-7
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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