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The Future of Education 13th Edition 2023

The Effects of Multiple Levels of Intelligences in an Algebra 1 Classroom

Abigail Gragg


The goal of this research study was to adjudicate if implementing Howard Gardner’s multiple levels of intelligence would enhance student achievement levels in an Algebra 1 College Preparatory class. This was conducted within every class through incorporating one level of the eight levels of intelligence into small group work in stations. Every class was conducted utilizing small group instruction. Achievement levels were measured through various forms of collected data that expressed student understandings in-class through formative assessments versus student understandings on the summative assessments. The data samples included: assessments, (i.e. summative and formative assessments), observable data, video recordings, a daily log book, student surveys, and checklists kept during the observation periods. Formative assessments were analyzed during each class period to measure in-class understanding. Summative assessments were dissected per question per accuracy to review the effects of each intelligence implemented. The data was collated into a coding workbook for further analysis to conclude the resulting themes of the research. These themes include 1) there was no correlation to multiple levels of intelligence enhancing student achievement, 2) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence showed to be the intelligence that had the most improvement on test questions and 3) out of all of the intelligences, interpersonal intelligence enhanced student understanding in-class.



Station/small group instruction, Multiple Levels of Intelligences, Student Achievement, Mathematics, High school, and College Preparatory class.



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Publication date: 2023/06/30
ISBN: 979-12-80225-59-7
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