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Innovation in Language Learning 16th Edition 2023

Teaching Critical Thinking Against the Background of Basic Linguistic Research on the Lexis of Crisis Communication in Opinion-forming Mass Media

Petra Jesenská


In the context of new global challenges in the form of various crises, whether the migration crisis (due to war, drought, etc.), climate or pandemic crises, the ability to think critically about issues is becoming more important than ever before. War not only affects life directly in the country where it is taking place, but also resonates in neighbouring and/or distant countries. War conflict causes human tragedies; fleeing to safety becomes a trigger for migration, which in turn provokes reactions in the place of their stay, thus influencing the mindset and behaviour of the countries that host migrants. It is worth examining these phenomena more closely, dispassionately and with emotional distance. The lexis of crisis communication is a resource worthy of investigation within English lexicology and stylistics and linguistics in general. It is a suitable opportunity to engage several aspects of linguistic training at once, namely literature search, anchoring of basic terminology within a systemic linguistics framework, and the establishment of research objectives with procedures with their subsequent application to the actual research process in the final qualifying bachelor thesis within the framework of bachelor study of Teaching English Language and Literature. By mastering essentials of academic research work, learners (students) are able to manage skills connected to data collection and their processing by means of classification, description, explanation, analysis, comparison, reasoning, and logical interpretation. As long as students can think and work autonomously and independently, they will be able to approach the problems they face in the future creatively and critically. This study highlights, among other things, the necessary shift from teacher-centred learning to learner-centred teaching and approaches on how this can be achieved. The study was supported by financial support from the Slovak grant Lexicogenetic Potential of Media Political Discourse on the Crisis VEGA 1/0748/21.

Keywords: Lexis crisis communication, critical thinking, war lexis, mass media



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Publication date: 2023/11/10
ISBN: 979-12-80225-69-6
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