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Innovation in Language Learning 17th Edition 2024

Development of the Learners’ Self-education Skills in the Process of Teaching English

Susanna Asatryan


Key words: self- education, interactive environment, life skills, student-centered teaching environment, interactive teacher, intercultural learning. 

Current paper touches upon the problem for the development of learners' self-learning skills in the process of  teaching English. 

The purpose of the paper is to study and highlight the peculiarities and possibilities for the development of self-education within the framework of English classes.

The problems of the paper are:

1. Analyze the importance of the development of learners’ self-education value system  in the English teaching process.

2. Specify the features of integrated classes.

3. Present tasks and activities aimed at the development of the value system of self-education, which can be used during English classes.

In the scope of the current study we try to introduce  practical tasks and activities  that are based on  appropriate teaching methods and techniques and can serve as a tool for the development of above mentioned skills. We present our observations, which refer particularly to pupils in schools of Armenia, and in the process of teaching English.

We are certain that only with the domination of student-centered instructional context it is possible to form and develop self-learning skills, simultaneously ensuring effectiveness of the teaching process.We emphasize the significance of teachers as facilitators and mentors who inspire students to embrace self-education as a valuable tool for personal and professional growth.

Self-education  is a life-skill, a value that helps a person, in this case, a school student, to gain knowledge and skills,  to recognize his/her own opportunities, to gain the ability to live and act in multicultural and multilingual world independently.Thus, the importance for the formation of the value system of self-education among students is required, which determines the relevance of our article.




1. Brown D, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, San Francisco State University, 1994

2. Cambridge University Press "The Cambridge Life Competences Framework", Introductory guide for teachers and educational managers, Better Learning,">

3. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, Companion Volume, Council of Europe, 2020

4. Harmer J., The Practice of  English Language Teaching,  Pearson, Longman,  2012

5. Manning G., Self-Directed Learning: A Key Component of Adult Learning Theory// Journal of the Washington Institute of China Studies: Vol. 2, No. 2: 2007, pages 106-107

6. Oprea I., M., Self-Education and Lifelong Learning//IJASOS- International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences: Vol. VI:, Issue 19, April 2021, page 142-144

Publication date: 2024/11/08
ISBN: 979-12-80225-70-2
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