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Innovation in Language Learning 17th Edition 2024

Rethinking the 8th Grade Romanian Language and Literature National Assessment: Improving Readability and Practical Language Skills through Technology

Adela Chindriș


This study examines the challenges faced by Romanian 8th grade students during the Romanian Language and Literature National Assessment (RLLNA). The current structure of the RLLNA exam poses significant difficulties, particularly in terms of text readability and the highly specialized, theoretical nature of the grammar tasks. The texts often feature complex sentence structures and abstract language, which hinder students' comprehension. Additionally, the grammar tasks emphasize theoretical knowledge rather than practical language skills. An analysis of student performance from 2021 to 2024 reveals that many students struggle with both text readability [1] and grammar tasks, contributing to declining exam scores over the years. The paper advocates for a comprehensive revision of the assessment to better reflect students’ reading habits and functional language abilities. It proposes integrating formative assessment and educational technology tools, such as LEMI [1], Microsoft Word’s grammar checker, Google Forms for quizzes, and platforms like Kahoot and Quizizz. These technologies can provide personalized feedback, real-time assessments, and continuous monitoring of student progress, thereby helping students improve their language skills more effectively. The study concludes with three key recommendations: (a) simplifying the linguistic complexity of both reading comprehension texts and tasks or adapting their readability according to gradual complexity levels, and (b) focusing on grammar tasks that reflect real-world language use; (c) integrate educational technology tools into formative assessment teaching strategies. These steps are crucial for creating a fairer and more efficient national assessment system. Additionally, aligning the RLLNA with international standards such as PISA, which emphasizes real-world literacy skills and practical language use, will ensure the exam is both relevant to students’ lives and internationally comparable.


Keywords:  8th grade Romanian Language National Assessment, text readability in Romanian national exams, LEMI, educational technology tools, Romanian National Assessment versus PISA


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[11] Chitez, M., & Rogobete, R. (2024). Universalitatea testelor PISA și paradoxul materialelor didactice: un studiu lingvistic al testelor PISA pentru lectură folosite în România [EN: The universality of PISA tests and the paradox of educational materials: a linguistic study of PISA reading tests used in Romania]. Paper presented at the Conference CERED - Conferința Națională de Cercetare în Educație [EN: National Conference for Research in Education], 3-5 October 2024, Oradea, Romania


Publication date: 2024/11/08
ISBN: 979-12-80225-70-2
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