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New Perspectives in Science Education 3th Edition 2014

Pre-service Classroom Teachers’ Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs and their Locus of Control Status

Koray Serin; Sule Bayraktar


The purpose of this reasearch is  to investigate whether there is a relationship between Science Teaching Effiacy Beliefs (STEB)  and locus of control status. Research problems of the current study as follows:

  1. What are STEB of pre-service classroom teachers?
  2. What locus of control state do pre-service classroom teachers possess?
  3. Is there a significant difference between STEB of pre-service classroom teachers with respect to their locus of control states?

The sample of the research consisted of 211 fourth year Primary Education students who were training at Necmettin Erbakan University (n=109) and Kastamonu University (n=102) during 2011-2012 school year in Turkey. Students’ STEB was measured by using the instrument called “Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument” which was developed by Riggs & Enoch (1990) and Locus of control states were measured by using  “Rotter’s Internal - External Locus of Control Scale”, which was developed by Rotter (1966).  Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, mean(X) standard deviation (s), percentage (%) and independent samples t-test.

As a result of this research, STEB of both university students found to be at highly positive level. (For Necmettin Erbakan University  (X=3.55, s=.69 ) and for Kastamonu University (X= 3.49, s=.76). When locus of control positions examined, it can be said that the sample has students with both internal and external locus of control status but points were closer to internal locus of control interval. According to Rotter’s Internal - External Locus of Control Scale’ s rating intervals,  0-11 points interval designates that person is more internally locused;  on the other hand 12-23 points interval designates that the person is more externally locused.  For Necmettin Erbakan University sample (X=10,59 ) and for Kastamonu University sample (X=11,15) .  Another finding of this study is that there exist significant differences in favor of internally locused students in terms of STEB. For Kastamonu University sample there were significant differences in STEB levels with regard to locus of control states (t= 4,490, p<0,05) in favor of internally locused students. For Necmettin Erbakan University sample there were also significant differences in STEB levels (t = 2,287, p<0,05) in favor of internally focused students.

Publication date: 2014/03/21
ISBN: 978-88-6292-469-6
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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