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Innovation in Language Learning 12th Edition 2019

Pluriliteracies and LOCIT for CLIL

Letizia Cinganotto


LOCIT model by Do Coyle (Lesson Observation and Critical Incident Technique) (Coyle, 2005) consists in video-recording CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) (Coyle et al., 2010; Cinganotto, 2018; Cinganotto, Cuccurullo, 2019) lessons in order to analyze them in depth with the help of a colleague as a critical friend, or in some cases, with the contribution of the students themselves, comparing the different perspectives. The main aims of the analysis and reflection while watching the recording are “critical incidents” and “learning moments”. Critical incidents may occur during the teaching pathway and the teacher may not be fully aware of them when deeply engaged in the teaching process. Therefore, a careful observation of the videos may help identify the critical incidents better, reflecting on the possible reasons for them. Considering the same perspective, learning moments may be singled out, identifying those steps of the learning pathway when deep learning and understanding occured, according to  evidence  in the videorecording. The LOCIT model recommends repeating the same lesson in the same teaching context, considering the critical incidents and the learning moments previously identified, in order to improve the outcomes and learn from the previous experience. LOCIT model can be considered as an important added value for teachers’ continuous professional development, especially within the latest conceptual framework on CLIL defined by Coyle and Meyer (Meyer, Coyle, 2017) within a European project promoted by ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages) in Graz, titled “Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning” (PTL): the author is a member of the consultancy team of this project. The paper will start from highlighting the main features of PTL, also mentioning some of the training experiences carried out by the consultancy team in Europe and will describe the LOCIT model as interpreted by a group of Italian secondary teachers attending methodological CLIL courses in English in the academic year 2018-19. LOCIT model was adapted to the specific target of teachers, whose level of English was B2, also taking advantage of the use of technologies: specific webtools were used to embed the videos of the lessons and comment directly on them through video-annotation. Some examples of these video-annotations with LOCIT model will be presented and commented on, focusing on methodological and linguistic aspects highlighted by the teachers as added value to their professional growth and to their deeper understanding of CLIL methodology and of Pluriliteracies. The paper will try to show the importance of teachers’ awareness of Pluriliteracies and of LOCIT for their continuous professional development (CPD) in the field of language learning and CLIL, in line with the latest Council Recommendation on a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages (Proposal dated May 2018, adopted in May 2019).

Keywords: CLIL, CPD, Pluriliteracies, LOCIT.


[1] Cinganotto L. (2018). Apprendimento CLIL e interazione in classe, Aracne.
[2] Cinganotto L., Cuccurullo D. (2019). Techno-CLIL. Fare CLIL in digitale, Quaderni della Ricerca n. 42, Loescher.
[3] Coyle D. (2005). Planning tools for teachers:
[4] Coyle D., Hood P., Marsh D. (2010). CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[5] European Commission (2018). Proposal for a Council recommendation for a comprehensive approach on teaching and learning languages:
[6] Meyer O., Coyle D. (2017). Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning: Conceptualizing Progression for Deeper Learning in Literacies Development, in “European Journal of Applied Linguistics”, 5, 2.

Publication date: 2019/11/15
ISBN: 978-88-85813-80-9
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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