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Innovation in Language Learning 8th Edition 2015

Ict and English as a foreign language in the bioethical education: an innovative teaching/learning process.

Lucia Priore


   The increasing role of technology has changed the teaching and learning process in the classrooms  developing strategic objectives on content and language. Bioethical Education is  a segment of the great education sector and, thanks to  Information and Communication Technology, nowadays  it can be  developed more easily. It has a lot to benefit from the new frontiers created by  ICT, like  websites, e-mails and video conferences which have permitted teachers and learners to make ideas exchanges about current bioethical issues faster. The work can be introduced in the vast panorama of the teaching/learning process. It explores the numerous innovative possibilities of  learning comparing ideas  through the Internet and through the study of English as foreign language.

   The study focused on writing techniques, in particular on how to write an essay in English using innovative ICT practices. The discussion was about topics relating to Bioethics and current affairs. The topics proposed were: Respect for life, Quality of life and Euthanasia. Through the use of digital devices students were able to develop  meaningful, real-world works in which they applied their learning. They were asked  to write an essay on topics presented applying writing techniques and using expanded and creative technology. Students answered related  questions which helped them to better reflect on the positive and negative aspects of the issues they were dealing with.

  Results indicated that innovative ICT – based activities may turn flipped class experience into a new  model of  learning through ICT practices. Students produced very interesting multimedia products and discussed them in English showing their results to the evaluation commission and  each student had the opportunity to analyze and evaluate his/her own work and the tools used to create it as well as to  evaluate his /her  level of learning.

   In conclusion the use of Educational Technology in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for language learning and for the discussion on bioethical dilemmas, such as the search for better quality of life, respect for life and euthanasia  has been considered an  innovative and crucial way to change education successfully by both students and educators. Finally the work records their aim of proposing and  communicating ideas relating to current, opposing, heated and debated bioethical issues dealt with a ICT close collaboration.


Publication date: 2015/11/13
ISBN: 978-88-6292-660-7
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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