We intend to provide evidence that e-learning, collaborative on-line activities, and video capturing technologies are new tools to make more effective and impressive the learning of mechanisms and rules in experimental science. The on-line computer laboratory in Genomics for the master degree in Biological Sciences (University of Camerino) is the case-study discussed in this work. This on-line laboratory, which complements the theoretical lessons in the classroom, allows the students to analyze gene sequences by extracting, collecting and elaborating experimental data. 44 students have been involved in the work. They have been divided into 12 groups, each of three or four students. Group members were chosen not randomly but to be highly heterogeneous in terms of previous knowledge and competence in genetics. This competence was evaluated by an initial test carried out in the classroom. All students had available video tutorials prepared by the teacher with explanations on how to use on-line software to analyze gene sequences. After a period of study, each group had to solve a problem consisting in the analysis of a new gene sequence (not available in data bases) including the identification of the potentially encoded protein and the alignment of the new protein with evolutionary related proteins available in data bases. To reach this goal the on-line laboratory included two parts: a first part with each student working alone and a second part with collaborative interactions among students of each group for the realization of a single final report. The interactions included the participation to forums, a wiki tool for collaborative writing and other on-line tools for interaction. This interaction has permitted mutual assistance among students of different levels in competence and knowledge. Final reports appeared satisfactory and very detailed. All the experimental procedure was carried out on-line by using the Moodle e-learning platform. After this laboratory work, the involved students had a better exam performance with respect to the students of the previous year that did not have e-learning activities. Our results suggest that collaborative learning fosters students’ ability and lead to better learning outcomes.