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New Perspectives in Science Education 5th Edition 2016

The Ideas of Constructivism and the Process of Evaluation of the Scientific Literacy of Students During the Process of Their Education in Chemistry

Violeta Konstantinova


The article studies the principles of constructivism which are directed towards the education in chemistry and presents my shared experience of their introduction in the pedadogical practice through an activity-oriented approach of the knowledge acquired by Free Energy club. Project-based work in small groups and the realization of a students’ representative event creates opportunities to broaden the scientific literacy in natural sciences, provokes the students’reaserch abilities, oriented towards the formation of technical and applied practical knowledge, skills and competencies. The article shares methodological solutions of the integration between theory and practical work during the integration of students and their parents towards the process of evaluation and self-evaluation. It creates suitable circumstances for the students to gain real perspective of the level of their knowledge and skills, as well as to compare themselves with the other participants. Using all the knowledge and skills which the students have acquired by various scientific areas, they form inter-subject and inter-disciplinary relations and links.

Key words: constructivism, teamwork, evaluation and assessment criteria and indicators, self-evaluation and self-assessment

Publication date: 2016/03/18
ISBN: 978-88-6292-705-5
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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