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Innovation in Language Learning 9th Edition 2016

Benefits of Multilingualism and Study Abroad Programs in Career Development

Ryan McMunn


Thanks to recent technological advances the world is changing – very quickly – into one big global market place. That means being able to communicate is crucial. Job recruiters say that being able to speak another language is important for success in today’s business environment, and will become even more critical over the next ten years. There is also a need for employees who have experienced working for businesses in other countries and who are familiar with various styles of leadership.

Learning another language and finding the opportunity to experience working abroad is easier than it sounds. The same modern technology responsible for today’s expanding global market place has also made it possible to learn new languages without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office. Now you can learn from a teacher who lives in another country by taking online classes. You can spend your time focusing on the “real” language native speakers use rather than yesterday’s archaic textbook version.

Another positive about engaging with a real teacher online is the opportunity to learn cultural tips as well, the do’s and don’ts we aren’t always privy to. If you are able to move your language study out into the world, innovative study abroad programs, internships, and immersion programs can introduce you first hand to other cultures and international business.

A person who is both multi-lingual and whose resume shows international work experience has a competitive edge that others just don’t share. In this paper, we will examine how multilingualism and study abroad programs can help career development. 

Publication date: 2016/11/18
ISBN: 978-88-6292-806-9
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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