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Innovation in Language Learning 9th Edition 2016

Platinum Game for Critical Thinking Assessment through Language for Primary School Students

Endry Boeriswati


Platinum Game is an online game that is installed on the smartphone. The game displays problems to be solved by students using a particular as scaffolding ability to think critically. Learning strategies to develop critical thinking skills are dialogical and dialectical thinking. Platinum Game is used to measure critical thinking skills. Critical thinking in this research means thinking hypothetically, which is done to find the answers through constructing supposition sentence statements. In Platinum Game, children are required to make presupposed sentences from different events that may occur despite unprecedented in their daily life from existing events on the storyboard game. The result of this study indicates that Platinum Game which is used as an assessment tool of critical thinking for learning evaluation can enhance the critical thinking skills that are marked by the ability to draw up inquiries with a  proper language construction.It is resulted that children aged 8-9 years are able to think critically using language skills as scaffolding.


Keyword: Platinum Games, Smartphone Games, critical thinking


Publication date: 2016/11/18
ISBN: 978-88-6292-806-9
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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