The growing demand for technology based learning has led all kinds of institutions to develop their own educative platforms. The University of Veracruz (Universidad Veracruzana), which is the biggest public university in the state of Veracruz in Mexico, developed an educative platform to administrate different flexible learning environments in order to provide students and teachers the opportunity to explore an asynchrony teaching-learning process. This platform is called EMINUS and it’s the home for the on-line courses of English. This paper presents a brief description on the English I on-line course through the Eminus platform which was specially designed for our university students. This course is the first of two English courses that are mandatory for all the educative programs. It explains how the Eminus platform was implemented in the University, how teachers have been trained to use it, the way the English on line courses started, how this course has evolved through the years, the way it is designed nowadays, and how this course is managed by teachers and students since they sign in into the course, until they present their final exams.