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New Perspectives in Science Education 6th Edition 2017

Teaching Derivatives Concepts with Computational Techniques

Jaqueline Maria da Silva; Deborah Faragó Jardim; Ana Carolina Carius


The Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM) mission is to produce and spread knowledge and innovation by integrating teaching, research and extension services as propellers of regional and national development. In this context it is a great challenge to teach Mathematics in the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Bachelor (STB) course with students with so many social and structural problems.
The students that arrive as freshman in the STB have a great lack of mathematical and physical concept. It is very important that these students can to describe and understand natural phenomena that need mathematical representation. These are fundamental reasons to motivate teaching carefully the fundamental Calculus concepts in STB course.
This work presents a teaching strategy for Differential and Integral Calculus using technology as an important modeling teaching tool, particularly, using the GeoGebra software to improve the learning process by the students and also their modeling thinking. We believe that the technology can provide a better understanding of some mathematical concepts and ideas that are still abstract to the students.
 Researchers who follow the didactics of mathematics line search to adapt teaching methodologies through a sequential structure for the learning process, focusing on work in the classroom and challenging activities as a stimulus in the production and construction of the mathematical knowledge. The Didactic Engineering, for example, proposed by researchers in France, follows this thinking. The work proposed here is part of a step sequence presented by the Didactic Engineering and uses technology to encourage and propose challenges to students in the classroom, enhancing the work of the students and the teaching activity. By analyzing the characteristics of mathematical teaching and learning cases, two viewpoints have been presented on teaching this course in this work, namely what should the instructor teach (i.e., the teaching goal) and what should be learnt by the students (i.e., the orientation of the learning).


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Publication date: 2017/03/17
ISBN: 978-88-6292-847-2
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