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New Perspectives in Science Education 3th Edition 2014

Challenges to Establish Internal Quality Assurance with an Information System to Create Self-assessment Reports

Masao Mori; Eiichi Takata; Tetsuya Oishi; Toshie Tanaka


After corporatization of Japanese national universities in 2004, they have been obliged to conduct two kind of university evaluation based on self-assessment. They are called institutional certified evaluation and accreditation (accreditation, for short), and national university corporation evaluation (corporation evaluation, for short). They are aimed at different objectives. Accreditation is to judge universities whether their educational activities meet criteria of education. Corporation evaluation is to show excellence of activities of universities. However, both shares common items to describe in their reports. So that an efficient method for creation of reports is expected.

On the other hands, in the process of self-assessment, faculty would discover excellence and improvement of their education. As a result, they are expected to assure quality of their education. Though criteria of accreditation are set from viewpoints to assess institution comprehensively, it is difficult to clarify contribution of the criteria for improvement of educational activity by individual faculties. Based on the two above problems, we proposed, developed and are using an information system to support creation of self-assessment reports from standpoint of coordinator of accreditation and corporation evaluation.

Publication date: 2014/03/21
ISBN: 978-88-6292-469-6
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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