Formative assessment has increasingly become the focus of investigations concerning evaluative practices carried out in the classroom context.This research aims to characterize conceptions on formative assessment by teachers of two distinct groups: (i) 2nd Cycle of Compulsory Education (K-5,K-6) teachers of Portuguese, History and Geography of Portugal; (ii) 2nd Cycle of Compulsory Education (K-5,K-6) teachers of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. It also aims to identify the main constraints teachers face when implementing formative assessment practices.The main goals of the study are: i) to characterize the conceptions of the two groups of teachers relating to formative assessment; ii) compare the conceptions of formative assessment between teachers of both groups; iii) identify the constraints these teachers face when conducting formative assessment.A mixed methodology was employed through the implementation of a survey as the data collection technique. SPSS (version 25) was used to analyse the quantitative data, while NVIVO 10 was used to analyse the qualitative one. Results show that teachers’ conceptions are in accordance to the theoretical framework suggested in the literature. Respondents state that formative assessment is a key element to reorganize and guide both the process of teaching and the process of learning. This assessment is more adjusted to the educational reality and it improves educational success.
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