The herein project aims at improving - through a specific web platform THE WANDERERING EXPERIEN.CITY - cross-functional skills and competences of different stakeholders from schools, research centers and public administrations. The project team would like to present its experience in creating an interactive map of the city of Pinerolo, using the above mentioned platform, considering it an extraordinary effective and efficient tool to be applied in several fields: Historic, touristic, sport and commercial.
In the light of lifelong learning programmes this project aims at improving education as well as at enabling cultural and social integration among several HUMAN RESOURCES that are fundamental pillars to carry out INCREMENTAL INNOVATION, for instance, in the education field.
The above mentioned innovation obviously requires a change of cultural paradigm involving PEOPLE characterized by different traditions, know-how, experiences that could be summarized and represented through a powerful Information System - the platform - enabling to create virtual paths that are highly increasingly important in a society where ICTs play a fundamental role. The project team has to leverage the use of different methods and techniques involving the provision of specific services allowing to foster social inclusion and the use of the information system by different users.