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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

Teacher Training for the Use of Reading as an Instrument in Chemistry Teaching

Marlene Ribeiro Da Silva Graciano; Priscila De Oliveira Toshie


This research had as objective to train students of the Degree in Chemistry for the use of reading as instrument in the teaching of this discipline. The study was based on the theoretical-methodological discussions of Vygotsky (1930, 1934); Magalhães (2011,2012); Rojo (2004); Kleiman (2004) on the importance of the formation of readers, especially in the teaching of Chemistry (Girão, 2011; Francisco Júnior et al., 2008). The methodology adopted was the Critical Collaboration Survey (PCCol), discussed by Magalhães (2011) when proposing the creation of training spaces mediated by collaborative relationships in the production of knowledge about the theoretical bases of school practices, whose objective is to destabilize the senses and meanings crystallized to re-signify them. The research was developed in 2016 at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Goiás, with eleven students of the Degree in Chemistry enrolled in the discipline of Supervised Curricular Internship. The data were produced through questionnaires, practical lectures in the teaching of chemistry, reflexive sessions on videotaped classes. In a qualitative approach, the data produced were analyzed through content analysis (Bardin, 1997), using the following categories as reference: Initial directions on the use of reading; Role of the teacher and student's role in working with reading; Ressignification of meanings on the use of reading in the teaching of Chemistry. The data analysis showed that the reading frequency in the Chemistry class is lower when compared to the Humanities subjects. Usually the reading practices are developed in a monological posture (Magalhães, 2011), in which the subject of reading is the teacher. Through the reflective session, the students of the Chemistry Degree were able to re-signify their senses about the use of reading, teacher and student roles in the teaching process and how much the methodological approach assumed by them influences the teaching process, giving students a better understanding of the contents of Chemistry. The statements of the students show that they are aware of the important transformation of their educational practices in the use of reading in the teaching and learning process of Chemistry.

Keywords: Reading Processes; Teacher Training; Chemistry teaching;
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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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