Important aspect of learning is a feedback. The feedback is very important part of the teaching process for students and for teachers, too. The feedback offer informations about student‘s knowledges and it means about the success of the teaching process. One way how to know the feedback is testing. In this article we study testing like a studing instrument in the form of e-homeworks. These e- cases offer the feedback for students. Thanks of this feedback can students ameliorate they knowledges during home studing of the concrete topic. Using testing as a tool for education reveals the question how to properly set up feedback for pupil in testing to be effective. We use two types of e-homeworks. First type is with basic feedback and second type is with complex feedback. We tested students in the first class of two highs schools. The tested topic was momentum. On the base of the results we analyze e-cases, concretely we analyze all steps and the time, necessary for the correct solving of e-cases.
Keywords: feedback, e-Homework, testing, e-test;
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