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New Perspectives in Science Education 7th Edition 2018

CoRubric as a Tool to Improve Argumentation Through Peer-Assessment in Pedagogy Students.

Daniel Cebrián-Robles; Antonio-Joaquín Franco-Mariscal


Argumentation is considered to be one of the fundamental pillars of science. As such, numerous efforts have been made to evaluate the quality of arguments by way of European programs such as PISA or to analyse argumentation in primary or secondary school preservice teachers. Many of these studies have used rubrics to evaluate arguments.
In light of this, herein we present CoRubric as a tool to help in this evaluation process. This research is based on a study with 38 students taking the "Educational evaluation of learning" module in the 3rd year of the Pedagogy Degree at the University of Malaga (Spain). An argumentative task based on the problem of the appearance of tooth decay was proposed as a pilot experience in a socio-scientific framework. The activity required students to argue whether there is a relationship between bacteria and the appearance of caries. Students were told to create arguments and evaluate their partners' contributions in a peer-assessment manner. As a result of this work, an argument evaluation methodology is presented using the free online tool CoRubric.
Furthermore, the initial conceptions as to what students understand by arguing in science were analysed and categorized on the basis of what pedagogy students think about how they should assess a scientific argument made by their peers.

KeywordsArgumentation, assessment, pedagogy, rubric, corubric;


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Publication date: 2018/03/23
ISBN: 8862929765
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