With the advancement of connectivity and mobile devices it is common to find students in classrooms with these devices. This implies a reflection, in the search for pedagogical adequacy to the present moment, evaluating the potentialities of Mobile Digital Technologies (TDM) in the teaching and learning process. In opposition to the advance of technological innovations, there is a persistent lack of education in Brazil, especially in the public network, to which technological equipment generally does not meet the number of students and is generally outdated. In addition, other problems hinder the educational process: the cost and maintenance of copiers for xeroxopy activities, limiting the use of complementary materials, making the textbook as the only source for the application of exercises used for the recognition of students' skills and competences. It is fundamental to integrate TDM in situations and experiences beyond the walls of the school, seeking learning focused on thinking and applying information to reality. In this context, the research: How to constitute a hybrid learning environment using smartphones in the process of teaching and learning chemistry in a public school system. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the use of TDM modifies the type of relationship that is established inside and outside the classroom, between teachers, students and the process of teaching learning, as well as support, so that the students become protagonists acting with more autonomy in their learning path. Participants of the survey were 240 high school students from public schools. Questionnaire, elaborated activities, videoconference and interview were instruments of data production, analyzed qualitatively.
Keywords: Hybrid Learning Environment, Mobile Devices, Chemistry,Teaching;
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