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The Future of Education 4th Edition 2014

Qualities Demanded by On-Line Universities Students about their Tutors

Concepción San Luis Costas; Isabel Canadas Osinski


This paper studies the qualities desirable in a university professor from the student perspective. A comprehensive review of scientific work has led to the selection of papers that inspect collect research indicators and dimensions widely used for the evaluation of university teaching. However, most of the investigations forget the main character: the student. So, qualities such as proximity, interaction, etc. are neglected by the evaluators and demanded by college students. On the other hand, more and more the universities that offer studies to students who do not assist in person, but on line, so that the demands they consider is a good lecturer can be very different from what a on site student ask. Thereby in this paper, we show an effective qualitative method in which the student is free to express their opinions. Concretely, we used a variation of the a Thurstone method known as the Law of Categorical Judgment, specially, as rank-ordering method, combined with a qualitative methodology, namely brainstorming.

Publication date: 2014/06/13
ISBN: 978-88-6292-499-3
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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