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The Future of Education 8th Edition 2018

Innovative Teaching on Business with Intellectual Property at the Creative Industries

Vladia Borissova


The course “Business with Intellectual Property at the Creative Industries“ is intended to provide knowledge and skills about the economic characteristics of intellectual property (IP); its nature, structure and content as a system of creative results in the fields of science, literature and art. The economic effects of the acquisition of intellectual property rights are derived as well as the acquisition of a trade monopoly of production and trade with the IP object. Special attention is paid to the relation between the business and the IP which objects are considered as property of the enterprise and as its business assets. Their essence is presented as well as the methods for evaluating them. The commercial relations on the creation and the economic realization of the intellectual property are also discussed.
Students are familiar with the economic characteristics of the IP product and the creative enterprises, the structure of the IP business; their models of business behavior and business growth; the principles of IP management; the development of IP portfolio; the creation of IP strategy. Knowledge is provided about the IP role for the creation classification and functioning of the creative industries system. The trends in public policy for the development of the creative industries are presented: the national innovation policy and the national cultural policy. Issues regarding creative industries funding are also presented.
Students’ approbation of acquired knowledge about business benefits of intellectual property, IP management economic effects, IP evaluation methods, is obtained due their individual assignment for:

  • development of IP portfolio
  • conduction of due diligence and IP audit
  • IP protection of the identified IP assets
  • IP assets evaluation
  • development of IP strategy
  • implementation of the IP management models

The presentation of each individual assignment is followed by interactive discussion at the academic auditorium.

Keywords: Intellectual property, business models, assets, creative industries, evaluation, management;

Publication date: 2018/06/29
ISBN: 8833590208
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